Defamation — You’re too stupid to understand it, you lazy git!

4 min readDec 17, 2023

A friend (who shall remain nameless, being he is a bastard), and because he spends his nights in the company of camels, made an imbecilic statement, as one ‘like him’ does, being, being, what’s the word I’m looking for? A bleeding kriòmyxos!

kriòmyxos — a single Greek word which means: as bloody stupid as a ram. They have a single word for this , a marvel.

He referred to Elon Musk as ‘winning’ the defamation case against ‘Pedo guy’ in Thailand.

This could imply that the Pedo guy was a pedo guy, but, in fact, he was not.

He was not even an ephebo guy…

ephebophile — of age, like 15, and older, but only until they are old enough to search for meaning in a tattoo parlour.

… and not perhaps a gerontophile.

gerontophile — old enough to own the building the tattoo parlour is in.

We don’t have a word for what this man is, which is… nothing.

Yup, he is just a normal bloke that caught Elon’s attention. Well, it might be because the bloke insulted the size of, er, um Elon’s rocket pod.

Image not to scale… really! It was just in cold water when this photo was taken

So ‘winning’ is really not the right word to use here.

I’m still fortunate enough to say ‘I’ve never lost a single lawsuit’ (and I have ‘participated’ — in shall we say — 44 cases), but I can’t say I won. I have had 18 defamation-related motions against me, and I’ve lost none of those either. Or said another way, I spoke the truth, so say yo momma the Judge.

We almost always all lose in lawsuits, everyone, even people thinking they are not part of the case (remember where some of your tax dollars go). We don’t have a word for this either, which would be closer to the Alemanni word ‘Doppelniederlage’ (both sides, they both got $#!+).

First, we must separate Insult from defamation, and this gets deeply tricky.

Hopefully, all y’alls are familiar with the Flynt v. Falwell case — if not, summed up, at some point in the case it was needed to be confirmed if Falwell really did have sex with his mother, in an outhouse. More so, did anyone really believe this? A show of hands was taken, amen.

Real ad, er, parody… from Hustler

If one simply reads the key metrics of defamation, a reasonable person would conclude Elon was guilty of a crime. This is also why laypeople should not attempt to read the rules as written by and for lawyers. You need 4 years in college and a J.D. to understand when and why you can finally pull that tag off a mattress. This is why I always give lawyers $1 before I sleep in their guest rooms. Now I own that mattress, now, I can do with it as I please!

Back to ‘Pedo guy’ — there is zero evidence he was. And this claim by Elon disgraced him, which is 100% wrong on the part of anyone accusing him. You would not wish to be called ‘pedo guy’ nor would anyone.

He, who I shall call ‘the bloke’ brought a defamation case, and then lost this due to subtle technical issues. People assume this is simple and is handled the same everywhere on the planet, but it is not. This too is why laypeople should not practice law, each state and country has different rules, and common sense and common law are not common. Even the common cold - not common. If it were common, then we would probably have cured it, but no. It should be called the Constantly Mutating Son of a Bitch Rhinovirus, but I’m not in charge of naming these things. With libel, slander — collectively ‘defamation’… it really gets complex, even the state of mind of the defamer is taken into account (intention), as is who you are insulting.

‘It is not possession that is nine-tenths of the law, it is interpretation.’

Elon was excused because he explained this was more like a ‘schoolyard taunt’ tantamount to ‘you insulted the size of my rocket pod? Well’ yo momma is so fat…’

Elon still should come out and apologise to him, and literally state that he is NOT a Pedo guy, but rather an upstanding citizen who expressed his opinion against what Elon was trying to do. It must be noted, Elon spent some money, on par with the lint he rolls between his fingers inside his pocket when he looks consternated … on an investigator to confirm if the bloke was a pedo (like $50K). They came up with… nothing.

Everyone can have their opinion of both parties, but all said they were both trying to help free children from a cave, and emotions and public sentiment were strong on how to do this best, and really really fast.


I have no idea if my friend is a bastard. Hell, where was I and his mother 9 months before he was born?

Nor has he been photographed in the company of camels… so far.

Also, I’ve never seen him go head-to-head with a ram. I’m pretty sure… doppelniederlage.




Written by Ki

‘Being offended makes people feel important... I want people to feel important.’ - I'm not looking for followers, these articles are for my personal peers.

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