Insightful clarification.
When I was younger (which I always was), I began a rabbit hole of distinguishing the juxtaposition of morals and ethics. After studying across space (all languages) and time (etymology, actual usage), I concluded:
Morals — the rules of the club. Now… pick your club.
Ethics — the dilemma; what is the least damaging to humanity? Warning, often, by unpopular vote.
{Jeffrey Hopkins — He has authored more than twenty-five books about Tibetan Buddhism, among them the highly influential Meditation on Emptiness}
Hmmm well, the longest (non-technical) word in popular dictionaries is ‘floccinaucinihilipilification’. It means, basically …. ‘’nothing’ … literally.
I’ve always wanted to publish a series of books, for example, ‘It’s in your hands’ and ‘You write your own future’ and the books would have amazing cover art, detailed inside the jacket, photo of me with one of those stupid Monnalisa styles smiles authors have being happy that someone is even taking their picture.
The other side of the dilemma is killing two birds with one stone. (which since I’m being a bit geeky here is 一石二鸟 (obscure) in Chinese, which is literally simply — 1 stone, 2 bird), which I mention because…
Here is my Twitter, and a post where I redefine popular slang on the web in humour.
Yes, women in science will eventually get their own show (a la ‘Designing Women,’ which was very well written). I would love to watch a show about Sean Combs (P. Diddy), he is clever, smart, intelligent, and brilliant, but the outfacing version of him is this character, which is a shame to me.
[Wow, Medium is not a good place to have a conversation (lost what I was writing trying to highlight some of your text.]